Wednesday 20 December 2017

Parish Council's objection to 60-house development plan

Maisemore Parish Council has now submitted its representation opposing the proposal for 60 more houses on the northern edge of the village.  You can read it here.

The Council has also provided some additional supporting documentation to the objection:

Maisemore Parish Council's Planning Policy Document.

Maisemore Parish Council's representation opposing application for an Environment Agency permit for an intensive poultry unit on the adjacent field.

Traffic tailing back past the application site toward Hartpury
Sewage and storm water being forced out
of a manhole at the junction of
The Rudge and the A417
Maisemore Parish Council's representation to the Traffic Commissioner's Office opposing the basing of additional HGVs at Overton Farm.

Maisemore Parish Council's calculation of storm water generated by rainfall surcharging sewers (Excel spreadsheet)

The Counci's representation has attempted to pick up all the relevant points from the special meeting on Wednesday 13th December.  

It has also endorsed the submissions by individual residents up to the time it was submitted.  The photos shown here have been included in the submission and a further photo will be sent showing how close the river Severn now is to the edge of the A417 where the cycleway bridge has been repaired.

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