Friday, 30 June 2017

Maisemore Local History Society - Summer Outings 2017

The first outing was on Wednesday 24 May 2017 - this was an all-day event coach trip to Rodmarton Manor, an “Arts and Crafts” house filled with beautiful furniture made in that period. We then travelled to Avening where a wonderful buffet lunch was prepared by the WI, which we enjoyed. Then in the afternoon on to Brownshill near Chalford to a very small church, St Mary of the Angels, a Romanesque-Baroque style building surprisingly built as late as the 1930s, where Richard Barton gave us a detailed history of the church - a very successful day.

Our second outing was to Nailsworth on Saturday 24 June 2017. Here we split into two groups and had guided tours of two mills: Gigg Mill and Dunkirk Mill. Our group started with weaving at Gigg Mill with demonstrations by two very knowledgeable people: Peter Frost and Robin Mitchell. We then met up again for lunch at Egypt Mill Hotel and Restaurant. Our group then went to Dunkirk Mill where huge water wheels provided power for the making of fine cloth which became world famous: “Stroud Scarlet” provided the colourful tunics of soldiers, yellow was made into tennis balls and green clad the tops of billiard tables. Plants were grown close to the Gigg Mill providing dyes for the colours of the cloth. Ian McIntosh provided the commentary for the walk to and around Dunkirk Mill with two other people: Keith Browne and Nick Browyer. All in all a long day with so much information given out. What kept occurring were the phrases which had association with the cloth trade. Here are a few: teasing, “wheels within wheels”, “dyed-in-the-wool”, tenterhooks, “fast and loose”, “through the mill”, and lastly “drop him into it”, the sad tale of a very small weaver who kept producing careless work, which of course the very tall powerful mill owner rejected - finally he took the poor man by the collar and hung him out of the window above the mill pond,  threatening to “drop him in it” if he continued to produce any more work which he would have to reject.

Two super outings! We now look forward to the new 2017-2018 season starting on Thursday 21 September 2017 with the AGM followed by a talk on the tsunami which came up the River Severn in 1607 and saw some 2,000 people killed.

Rosealeen Lane, MLHS Secretary

Cycle path re-opens

The long wait is over.  The bridges on the cycle path alongside the A417 have been repaired and the safe route into Gloucester for cyclists and pedestrians has been restored.

Many thanks to Chris Jones who has kept up the pressure on Sustrans and Gloucestershire County Council.  
Thanks also to those who generously offered a contribution to the funding of the work.  Chris has confirmed that GCC have agreed to pay, so no other financing is needed.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Agenda for Parish Council meeting on 3rd July 2017

The agenda for the next Parish Council meeting on Monday 3rd July at 7.30pm in the committee room of Maisemore Village Hall is now available on the Agendas and Minutes page of this site.

The minutes of the last meeting on 8th May, which was the Annual Parish Council Meeting, are also available on the same page.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Living well with dementia

Deanwood Lodge has organised an event in Maisemore Village Hall on Thursday June 29th at 3.30pm at which the main speaker will be June Hennell MBE.  Full details are here.

You can join June on a sometimes funny, sometimes dramatic, but always absorbing roller-coaster ride - and leave feeling more prepared for whatever dementia throws at you.

Tickets are free, but pease reply to Deanwood Lodge to let them know you want to attend - email or phone 01452 415057.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Hempsted Recycling Centre tempoaray closure

Hempsted Household Recycling Centre (HRC) in Gloucester will be closed from 19-23 June for work to accommodate more traffic and reduce queues.

Other recycling centres in the County can be found here.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Funeral of Ron Lane

Ron Lane's funeral was held in St Giles Church, Maisemore, on Monday June 5th.  The church was full to overflowing, bringing friends from so many aspects of his life together. There were tributes from his grandchildren Natalie Girard, Oliver and Abigale Lane and Rev Canon John Evans.  The church was full of laughter and applause, for a celebration of his life, reflecting how much he was loved and respected.  There is more here about that life over the 20 years in Maisemore and before.

Maisemore Fete update

Maisemore Fête is on Monday 28th August 2017.

A few more volunteers are needed urgently to help with the fête this year. Please contact Emma if you can help ( or 07984419596).

Donations of the following items are also needed for this year:
Bric-a-brac, crockery for smashing, jewellery (don’t worry if it is slightly damaged, we can fix it), books, raffle prizes, tombola prizes, cakes and produce.

Non-perishable items can be dropped off at the Village Hall on Sunday July 16th between 2pm and 4pm or on Friday August 25th between 2pm and 4pm.
Cakes and produce can be delivered to the Hall on Monday 28th August between 9am and 11.30am.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Rectory Farm full planning application

The application for full planning permission for 28 new homes on the Rectory Farm site (application 17/00538/APP) has now been submitted to Tewkesbury Borough Council by the developers, Newland Homes.

The site has already received outline permission (application 15/00131/OUT) so the current application is for 'reserved matters' such as the appearance and landscaping of the scheme.

The developers have sent out a card to every household in the village showing the overall plan with some additional details and contact information.  More information is available on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website.  These details include illustrative street scenes but the planning layout has not yet been put on the TBC site so it can be seen here.  The scheme follows closely that included and approved in the outline proposals.

The Parish Council has not yet received formal notification of the application from TBC.  When this happens, councillors will consider whether to include discussion of it on the agenda for the next meeting on 3rd July or whether to hold a special meeting.

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Untimely death of Ron Lane

Notice published in Gloucester Citizen
It is with sadness that we report the death of Ron Lane, who made a significant contribution to the Maisemore community.  He was taken ill while walking home from a Village Hall committee meeting and died from a heart attack two days later.

Ron was a member of the Parochial Church Council,  recently organising the new church heating system.  He also gave stalwart support to the History Society, where he did all the photography and slide shows.

He will be greatly missed.  His funeral is at 2pm on Monday 5th June in St Giles Church, Maisemore and afterward in the Village Hall.  People attending the service are asked to park in the Village Hall car park.  It has been requested that there be family flowers only, with other marks of respect being by donation to the British Heart Foundation, which may be sent c/o S C & B S Cocks, Funeral Directors, 59 Hucclecote Road, Gloucester GL3 3TL (01452 617892), with cheques made payable to the charity.