Monday 25 March 2019

What's on in & around Maisemore

An events page is now available on this website - accessed from the main menu bar above. The format has not been finalised, but it does now give details of what's on with dates, times and who to contact - with an email link if available.

If you want any event included in the list, please email the details to  Any event that is open to members of the public can be included.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Who can stand for electon to the Parish Council?

You can stand for election to the Parish Council if you are at least 18 years old by 2nd May and:

a. you are registered as a local government  elector in Maisemore parish

b. you have, during the whole of the 12 months preceding polling day, occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the parish

c. your principal place of work during those 12 months has been in the parish

you have, during the whole of those 12 months, lived in the parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it. 

You may, of course, be qualified under more than one of the above. 

Nomination forms are available from the Democratic Services department of Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5TT - 01684 272021 -

Nomination forms need to be signed by two other registered electors for the parish and must be delivered by hand to Tewkesbury Borough Council - either by you or by someone acting on your behalf.

Please get in touch

This poster about young people's efforts to get politicians to take climate change seriously was put on the Parish Council notice board in the bus shelter opposite Persh Lane.  Whoever it was also wrote a suggestion that it should be considered on the PC meeting agenda posted there.

We would love to hear from whoever raised this so that we can get it on the agenda for the next PC meeting - just email  The law says that the PC can only discuss things that are on the formal agenda, but anyone can ask for something to be added - we just need to know at least a week ahead.  The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 13th May.  If it's on the agenda, it can be discussed, both in the formal part of the meeting and in the public participation part at the beginning.  Anyone can come along and take part in that.

The web link written on the poster is  It's a video called Seven - and it's well worth a watch.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Election Notices

The notice about the election of 2 Councillors to serve on Tewkesbury Borough Council is here.  The similar notice about the election of 5 councillors to serve on Maisemore Parish Council is here.

Nomination forms for both Councils need to reach the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury Glos GL20 5TT no later than 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April.

If you are not yet registered to vote, you should do so by contacting the Electoral Registration Officer at the above address. Applications need to be received no later than midnight on Friday 12th April.  Applications to register to vote may also be made on line to

The elections are due to be held on Thursday 2nd May.  The polling station will be Maisemore Village Hall and the polls are open from 7am to 10pm.

A scam you should not ignore

If you get a text like this:

FreeMsg: Reminder. You are subscribed to MobiPlanet for £4.50 every 7 days from UME until you text STOP MPL to 83463. HELP? 03300535858

you should NOT ignore it. 

It is a scam, but this text message is the only one you may get before they start taking £4.50 a week from your phone account. 

DON'T delete it - it's the only record you've got and the only one you're likely to get with the cancellation details.

DO text STOP MPL 83463 if you can - but your phone may block it.

If it does, phone 03300535858 to unsubscribe. 

CHECK your phone account to see whether any payments have been taken.  If they have, you may be able to get a refund.

There's more information about this scam on the giffgaff support forum at

Thursday 14 March 2019

Fake TV licence scam warning

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Gloucester City thefts alert

If you are a Visitor to Gloucester City Centre you are kindly reminded to not leave your personal possessions unattended whilst visiting any local pubs and restaurants within the City. Keep your wallets, purses and possessions zipped away safe and within a reasonable accessible distance.

Unfortunately there has been an increase in thefts over the past last few months.

Victims of theft should further report the crime via the 101 non emergency telephone number.
Personal issue possessions such as bank cards should be cancelled as soon as possible with your bank. Any items such as passports/driving licences should also be cancelled as soon as possible.

If it can be avoided and unless absolutely necessary do not carry items such as utility bills within your possessions as these can easily be used to commit fraud.

For further crime prevention advice please feel free to view the Gloucestershire Constabulary website at -

Message Sent By
Ben Rollins (Police, PCSO, Gloucester)

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Flooding in Persh Lane

There's quite a substantial flood in Persh Lane following last night's heavy rain. 

It's caused by a blocked drainage gulley which has been reported to the County Council. 

Apart from the gulley, there's nowhere for the water to drain to as the fields either side are higher than the road surface. 

The water table is currently also virtually at road level and Complete Utilities have had to abandon work on installing broadband fibre on a stretch in this spot because their trench kept filling up with water - and that was before last night's rain.

Road issues are among many things that can be reported on line to either Gloucestershire County Council or Tewkesbury Borough Counci.

Tuesday 5 March 2019


The Maisemore Village Clean-up will now be in the afternoon of Saturday 27th April as there's to be a 'bacon butty' village get together in the Village Hall in the morning.  More details to follow.

Can you help clean up Maisemore

The Parish Council last night agreed to run a Maisemore spring clean event on Saturday 27th April, linked up with the Great British Spring Clean supported by the Keep Britain Tidy campaign.

If you can help on the day - between about 10 and 12.30 - that would be great.  If you're definitely coming, please let us know  (, but anyone who comes along to join in on the day will be most welcome.

The meeting point will be Maisemore Village Hall and litter picking equipment will be available, kindly supplied by Tewkesbury Borough Council.

Monday 4 March 2019

'Local' social network

A 'local' social networking platform has become popular in Maisemore over the past few weeks.  It's called and it now has nearly 70 members within Maisemore.

This network isn't actually local but it claims to be able to keep what you see - and what others see - within the Parish. If you decide to use it, you will need to give your real name and at least part of your real address, and some residents may be reluctant to do this.  Others may take the view that it prevents rudeness and lack of respect being allowed to flourish behind the mask of a made-up user name.

Of course the Parish Council can't endorse any commercial system or service. 

Borough and Parish Elections

Borough and Parish elections are scheduled for Thursday 2nd May - so now's the time to start thinking about how you could make a difference to the future of Maisemore by standing for election as a Parish Councillor.  Parish Councils need new people and new ideas to help the community thrive - and not all existing councillors will be seeking re-election.

The election timetable starts in a couple of weeks - here it is in full:

  • Publication of Notice of Election - Monday 18 March
  • Nominations open - Tuesday 19 March
  • Deadline for receipt of Nominations - 4pm Wednesday 3 April
  • Deadline for withdrawal of candidate - 4pm Wednesday 3 April
  • Publication of Statements of Persons Nominated - 4pm Thursday 4 April
  • Last date for registration - Friday 12 April
  • First despatch of postal votes - Friday 12 April
  • Deadline for receipt of postal vote applications - 5pm Monday 15 April
  • Publication of Notice of Poll - Wednesday 24 April
  • Deadline for receipt of proxy vote applications - 5pm Wednesday 24 April

To apply to register to vote, please visit
To print a postal vote or proxy vote application form, please visit
For further information on standing as a Parish Councillor, contact the Democratic Services department of Tewkesbury Borough Council on 01684 272021 or

Democratic Services will be able to send you a nomination pack with the necessary nomination form and plenty of other information.

If you want to know more, there's useful information - All About Local Councils - here.  It's published by the National Association of Local Councils.