Friday 29 December 2017

Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting now on line

The minutes of the extraordinary Parish Council meeting on 13th December are now on line here.

The meeting was called to consider the outline planning application 17/00514/OUT for residential development of 60 units at Bell House Farm, with all matters reserved for future consideration.

At the meeting, Councillors resolved to object to the application and the Council's representation to Tewkesbury Borough Council can be read here.

Sunday 24 December 2017

Happy Christmas

On behalf of Maisemore Parish Council, I would like to wish all residents a very Happy Christmas and all the very best in 2018.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Free Christmas Dinner

Neil Penny of Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group writes

Dear all,

During a recent meeting with a representative from the Cedar Trust, Natalie Bonner, she mentioned an offer she has made in previous years linked to the Bisto Spare Chair Sunday initiative. Here is the link.

Natalie said she is offering a free Christmas Dinner to any older person who will otherwise be eating their lunch on Christmas Day on their own. This seems a great offer for people who are potentially facing Christmas Day on their own to have a nutritious meal and some company with people of a similar age. She has offered this in previous years but had no response.

I am sure there must be people you come across in the village who may be interested in this. The nearest Cedar Trust homes to Maisemore are Redlands Acre Care Home, 35 Tewkesbury Road, Gloucester GL2 9BD Telephone: 01452 507248 and The Grange Nursing & Care Home, Grange Rd, Northway, Tewkesbury GL20 8HZ Telephone: 01684 850111.

If you think there are people who would benefit from this and would like to take up the offer, or if you have any further questions, please contact Natalie at

Thanks and Regards


Parish Council's objection to 60-house development plan

Maisemore Parish Council has now submitted its representation opposing the proposal for 60 more houses on the northern edge of the village.  You can read it here.

The Council has also provided some additional supporting documentation to the objection:

Maisemore Parish Council's Planning Policy Document.

Maisemore Parish Council's representation opposing application for an Environment Agency permit for an intensive poultry unit on the adjacent field.

Traffic tailing back past the application site toward Hartpury
Sewage and storm water being forced out
of a manhole at the junction of
The Rudge and the A417
Maisemore Parish Council's representation to the Traffic Commissioner's Office opposing the basing of additional HGVs at Overton Farm.

Maisemore Parish Council's calculation of storm water generated by rainfall surcharging sewers (Excel spreadsheet)

The Counci's representation has attempted to pick up all the relevant points from the special meeting on Wednesday 13th December.  

It has also endorsed the submissions by individual residents up to the time it was submitted.  The photos shown here have been included in the submission and a further photo will be sent showing how close the river Severn now is to the edge of the A417 where the cycleway bridge has been repaired.

November minutes now on line

The draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th November are now on line here.

Monday 11 December 2017

Funeral of Canon John Evans

Jeremy Chamberlayne writes:
We felt there would be residents who would want to know that the funeral for Canon John Evans is on Saturday, 16th. December, at 11.30, at Staunton Church.

John was a much loved Vicar of our group of Churches and was a popular priest at many wedding and funeral services. His wife, Jane, is still the organiser for Maisemore Friendship Club.

Saturday 9 December 2017

Agenda for special meeting on 60-house planning application

The agenda for next week's special Parish Council meeting has been published - here.

The meeting will be in the main hall of Maisemore Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th December.

The meeting is only to consider the outline planning application for 60 new houses on the field alongside Bell House Farm Old Road Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire GL2 8HT.  Details of the application can be found on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website here.

The meeting will start with a public participation section, when residents can tell councillors about their views on this application.  In order to keep the meeting to within a reasonable time, speakers are asked to be as concise as possible.  Each speaker may speak only once and must not speak for more than 3 minutes.

Following the public participation section, councillors will consider what points should be included in their representation to Tewkesbury Borough Council.  Members of the public may remain in the hall for this discussion but may not take part in it.