Wednesday, 1 December 2021

The churchyard is...

 ... looking great at the moment - well done to the maintenance company.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Pascale Chamberlayne - RIP


Pascale Chamberlayne, 22.03.61 to 17.11.21

It is with great sadness that we are reporting the death of Pascale Chamberlayne on 17th November 2021. She passed away peacefully in Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court with her family by her side.

Her final days were happy, with her parents visiting from France and a heart-warming commitment ceremony celebrating her daughter Emilie and partner Joe’s love.

Pascale saw such beauty in nature and described it wonderfully in her words and art. Her kind outlook on life helped her navigate difficult times with resilience and warmth. She meant so much to all of her family and we will hold her in our hearts forever. 

A funeral will be held on the 6 December at 12:45 in St Giles Church. Please arrive before 12:30 for the service in order to sign into the attendance register and enter the church. The service will be followed by a procession down Church Road at 13:45. The family will be wearing dark colours. 

The family will be supporting two charities in her memory: 

• Sue Ryder, who provided Pascale’s end of life care with the highest degree of attentiveness and compassion within their beautiful and peaceful centre.

• Macmillan Cancer Support, who supported Pascale through her at-home treatment.

Please feel free to share the above details with people who knew Pascale.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

The Chicken Farm extension proposal - MPC's response


21/00870/FUL | Erection of 2 No. additional poultry houses and associated infrastructure on existing poultry farm. | Astmans Farm Poultry Unit Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire GL2 8HP 


Thank you to all those people who attended the Maisemore Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13 September 2021 at Maisemore Village Hall. 

A near capacity (for the Committee Room) crowd turned out and people were able to raise a wide range of issues with Mr and Mr Smith - the owners.

The owners have agreed to share the production cycle timetable with the Parish Council and we'll advise you on here each time it's received. Although a cycle is in theory 48 days long, it can vary depending on how quickly the chickens grow and what size is required by the processors. 

Not all the smells in the village originate from this facility, despite people here blaming it all the time. We were categorically assured that the "bad smell day" in early September was NOT a consequence of this facility.

Certain times in the cycle are likely to lead to more odour risk than others, and the provision of the timetable will allow us to more closely monitor what might be going on.

One interesting fact gleaned on Monday was the fact that last year the "gable fans" - only turned on when the temperature inside is getting too excessive for the roof fans to cope with - were only turned on on one day in 2020.


Following the meeting, the draft MPC response, strongly objecting to the expansion on many grounds, was refined to accommodate additional points raised during the meeting, and submitted to TBC yesterday. It is now available on their website via this link:


It has to our surprise been initially published in non-redacted form. However if you find the copy you download has been redacted, please contact the MPC clerk to request an original copy -


There have also been 31 public responses to the consultation (not counting statutory consultees' responses) - not surprisingly all are objecting to the expansion - they're available at:

Please note that it's not too late to submit your own comments if you haven't already done so - please copy the MPC clerk in on your response. Note submissions published at TBC's website are redacted and hence appear anonymously.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

The Speed sign is broken

 ... and we're trying to fix it. The batteries have been replaced but it didn't wake up! :-(

Friday, 30 July 2021

CHICKEN must be popular!

A Planning Application has gone in to DOUBLE the size of the existing chicken "factory" in Maisemore from 94,000 birds to 188,000 by building an identical shed alongside the existing one. 

It will be at the same level necessitating a lot of excavation, with the spoil formed into a small hill and landscaped. 

Check out the Planning documents at 

Any responses will need to be submitted by late August. This is before the next Parish Council meeting. Subject to demand we may have a special meeting to discuss this. Please contact the clerk - Leo Williams - - c/o The Paddock, Main Road, Huntley, Gloucestershire, GL19 3EA - 07896 901800



Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Maisemore Solar Farm - Pre-application Consultation Feedback - July 2021

Renewable Connections have just issued the Pre-application Consultation Feedback following the exercise undertaken in Spring 2021.



Please download a copy from:

Thursday, 15 July 2021

DOGGY D N A - How To Protect Your Pup


From Neighbourhood Watch:

Currently we are seeing a rise in the thefts of not only ‘working’ dogs but also treasured pets which are then ransomed back to the owner or used for breeding purposes. There have also been instances where owners who have advertised the loss of a dog, have been asked for cash for the return of the animal but when money is paid, it transpired that the criminal was never in possession of the dog and it was just a scam to obtain the cash.

We have all seen on TV that criminals have been caught as a result of their DNA being found at a crime scene. DNA like fingerprints are unique to an individual and the same applies to animals, in particular to your dog. Their DNA is unique to them and cannot be altered or removed like a data chip.

It is easy and straight forward to obtain the DNA from your dog, a simple mouth swab is used to collect the sample, which is sent to the laboratory where the swab is analysed to generate the DNA profile. The DNA profile is then added to the Forensic Dog DNA Database.

The problem has always been how to identify an animal positively when it is recovered into Police possession, DNA now give’s a reliable and positive result to that question, which can be used in court.

This is a positive way of identifying your dog and getting it back to you should it be lost or worse happens and it gets stolen. Is a short video showing how the sample is taken.

The DNA swabbing kits are available from

For more information please contact Simon Bailey 01452 754630 or via email at

MPC May meeting - Tuesday 20 July 2021

You are invited to attend the Maisemore Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 20th July 2021 at 7.30pm at Maisemore Village Hall.

Residents are invited to give their views and to question the Parish Council on issues on the Agenda; additionally, at the discretion of the Chairman, they can raise issues for future consideration. There will be a time limit of 10 minutes in total.

Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting. 


The agenda for this meeting and the minutes of the last meeting in May 2021 can be found on the "Agendas & Minutes" tab at our website -

Friday, 9 July 2021

Theft from Vehicle - 5 July 2021


Saturday, 12 June 2021

Maisemore Solar Farm - Community Consultation - REMINDER

Further to the previous notification, the two walking visits for village residents to experience the area have now been completed, with about 40 residents enjoying a stroll in the wonderful weather we've been having.

This is a reminder, if you haven't already actioned it, to please return your survey delivered to all households in The Grapevine or fill it in online - go to Please complete your survey by 20 June 2021.

The results will be published shortly afterwards and discussed at the Parish Council meeting in July 2021.

Please note that the meeting date may change owing to the predicted delay in Covid restrictions being lifted. We will advise shortly.