Tuesday 29 January 2019

Council objects to planning applications

Following the two public meetings held on 16th and 23rd January, Maisemore Parish Council has registered its objections with Tewkesbury Borough Council.

The first meeting considered application 18/01162/FUL for the erection of an intensive poultry unit to the north of the village.  The minutes of the meeting are here and the objection is here

The second meeting was to consider an outline application (18/01202/OUT) for housing on Swinley Field, behind the Village Hall.  The minutes for that meeting are here and the objection is here.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Do you recognise this?

Fostering Information Session

Attend this two-hour session to find out about fostering
On: Saturday, 26 January 2019 (10am-12pm)
At: Maisemore Village Hall, Church Rd, Maisemore GL2 8JE

If you would like to find out more about fostering, you are welcome to attend this information session. You’ll find out about the children who need fostering in Gloucestershire, the different types of fostering and the process of becoming a foster carer. You’ll also have the chance to ask questions of an experienced foster carer. This is a friendly, informal session and there is no need to book.


Stolen Velo Vitesse Custom Built Bike 09-01-2019

We're appealing for information following the theft of a unique, one-of-a-kind road pedal cycle that was stolen from the rear of a van in SHERBORNE STREET, CHELTENHAM on Wednesday 9th January 2019.  Offenders gained accessed to a secure car park and stole the bicycle whilst the owner was delivering goods nearby.

The bike stolen is a proto-type Velo Vitesse black carbon fibre road bike with the name 'VELO VITESSE' across the frame in blue, red, white and black.  The seat is black with red stripe, blue coloured racing style handle bars.
PLEASE NOTE: The picture is of the same bike but the wheels were changed to black prior to the theft.

Please forward this appeal to your family, friends and social media contacts.
If you have any information concerning this incident, please call 101 quoting Crime Reference Number 1324/19. Or email 101@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk.

Alternatively, you can give information anonymously by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

For advice on keeping your bikes safe, you can find plenty of crime prevention advice on our website:

Remember, we're unable to accept reports of crime through Your Neighbourhood Alerts. If you need to report something, please call 101 or report online: https://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/do-it-online/report-a-crime-or-provide-information-anonymously/
Always call 999 in an emergency.
Message Sent By
Initial Investigations Team (Police, PC, IIT, Control Room)

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Parish Council Meeting Agenda

The agenda for next Monday's Parish Council meeting is now on this website here.  The meeting is at 7.30pm in the committee room of the Village Hall and will start with a public participation in which residents may comment or ask questions on any item on the agenda.  Members of the public may not particiapte in the meeting after this point.

The draft minutes of the previous meeting are here.  Agendas and minutes for earlier meetings can be found on the Agendas and Minutes page of this site, accessed from the bar menu above.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Public meetings on major planning applications

Maisemore Parish Council is holding public meetings to hear the views of residents on two major planning application.

The first meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th January at 7.30pm in the Village Hall to consider the application for an intensive poultry unit.  This consists of 2 agricultural buildings for poultry rearing with associated infrastructure and new highway access. on land east of the A417opposite Overton Farm.  The application reference is 18/01162/FUL and full details can be found on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website

Residents may recall that there was an application for an Environment Agency permit for this development, which has now been granted.  The details of the permit are on the TBC website.  Maisemore Parish Council submitted an objection to the granting of the permit, which can be found here.

The second meeting is on Wednesday 23rd January, also at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.  This meeting is to consider the proposal to develop Swinley Field, behind the Village Hall for 15 self-build and 10 discounted market dwellings  together with access and associated works such as footpath links to village hall and play area (all matters reserved). The application reference is 18/01202/OUT  and full details are on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website

This site was in the original consultation draft of the Tewkesbury Borough Council consultation draft Local Plan.  The Parish Council response to this (in April 2015) is here

Maisemore Parish Council has a Planning Policy Document which guides the Council's response to planning applications, which can be found here.

Gloucester to Newent road to be closed for five months

Severn Trent are proposing to close the the Gloucester to Newent Road (B4215) for 5 months in order to replace a water main. The road for will be closed in rolling 1000 metre sections starting at Two Mile Lane and working up towards Rudford. Upon reaching Rudford, where the road widens out, Severn Trent will be changing their traffic management to two-way traffic lights, for approximately three months.

Clearly this will result in traffic being diverted through Maisemore, but there is still time to register your concerns. 

You can contact Gloucestershire County about this project using either of these email addresses:  will.winsor-clive@gloucestershire.gov.uk

You may like to copy any email you send to County Councillor Phil Awford  - Phillip.Awford@gloucestershire.gov.uk - and /or our MP Mark Harper at   mark.harper.mp@parliament.uk

You can also contact Severn Trent about it directly using the email address: philip.smith@severntrent.co.uk

The proposal was covered in an article in The Citizen here.