Thursday 29 October 2020

Maisemore Parish Council Meeting - Monday 2 November 2020

Maisemore Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Monday 2nd November 2020 at 7.30pm via videoconferencing, using Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Residents are invited to give their views and to question the Parish Council on issues on the Agenda; additionally they can, at the discretion of the Chairman, raise issues for future consideration. There will be a time limited of 10 minutes in total.

Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting.


Draft Minutes of September 2020 meeting:

Appeal for development by the village hall

After a lot of correspondence with both the Planning Inspectorate and Tewkesbury Borough Council I have eventually discovered that the submissions to the appeal from others than TBC were supplied by the PI to TBC for uploading to their website at the end of May 2020 but they were not properly published and thus have only become available today, just days before the appeal is due to be heard.

They can be downloaded from here:


Refer to for all other documents

Friday 23 October 2020

Road Closure - Old Road, Maisemore - 23 October 2020

Following a complaint from a parishioner that Old Road is closed today I've been out and had a look. 

Yes, there's a closure barrier at the Old School crossroads.

20201023_094805 (Small).jpg 

... and driving up to find out where I got to Sherston at the top end of Hiams Lane:  

The workman on site advised it was a planned three-day closure

20201023_094443 (Small).jpg

MPC haven't been directly informed of this closure - however now I've found it on the most recent schedule

APPROX 15M NW OF JUNCTION OF HIAMS LANE [ green circle on map ]
26/10/2020 28/10/2020

So because the predicted "hole in the road" was in Hartpury parish, we haven't been advised of these works in Maisemore despite the fact that the hole actually being dug in the road is about 1 metre inside the Maisemore parish boundary [ blue circle on map ].


Also it appears they've jumped the gun and have started the works three days early!

Gloucestershire Highways have been asked for an explanation.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Road Closure - Maisemore Bridge - Friday night 23 October 2020 - reissued

Reissued - the original posting was made as noted but it seems was not automatically distributed, though I can't determine why not.

Originally posted on Wednesday, 21 October 2020:



Road Closure - Maisemore Bridge - Friday night 23 October 2020

 Message received from Highways:

From: Highways Stakeholder <>
Date: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2020, 10:38 am
Subject: A417 Maisemore Road

Dear Sir/madam


Please be advised there will be a closure in place on the A417 Maisemore Road ( 851742 ) on Friday 23rd October for 1 night to complete bridge joint works that could not be undertaken during the original resurfacing scheme in September.


Kind regards,


Francesca Jackson

Stakeholder Engagement

Highways Gloucestershire County Council


Tel: 08000 514 514 | Email:

Bearland | Block 5 | Gloucester | GL1 2TG

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Road Closure - Maisemore Bridge - Friday night 23 October 2020

 Message received from Highways:

From: Highways Stakeholder <>
Date: Wednesday, 21 Oct 2020, 10:38 am
Subject: A417 Maisemore Road

Dear Sir/madam


Please be advised there will be a closure in place on the A417 Maisemore Road ( 851742 ) on Friday 23rd October for 1 night to complete bridge joint works that could not be undertaken during the original resurfacing scheme in September.


Kind regards,


Francesca Jackson

Stakeholder Engagement

Highways Gloucestershire County Council


Tel: 08000 514 514 | Email:

Bearland | Block 5 | Gloucester | GL1 2TG

Thursday 15 October 2020

Flood relief A417 Maisemore, B4213 Apperley and surrounding areas

Cllr Mat Fuller (of Staunton Parish Council but on behalf of the action group) writes:


On behalf of the A417 Maisemore and B4213 Apperley action group we need your help please.

Many times each year, thousands of people are severely impacted by flooding of main artery routes; A417 Maisemore, B4213 Apperley and surrounding areas. The enormous displacement of traffic severely impacts alternative routes e.g. B4215 Newent - Highnam plus all minor roads, causing heavy congestion, infrastructure damage & immense economic cost. I am sure you will agree, this is an intolerable situation and cannot continue to blight our lives.

Parish and Town Councils are unanimously supportive to get this resolved and County Councillors are united to lobby for a co-ordinated solution.

Public and business' strength of feeling is crucial to supporting our County Councillors in their lobbying of Gloucestershire County Council, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Planning, Highways, Environmental authorities and Members of Parliament.

Your signature and support are crucially important and will make a difference.



Saturday 10 October 2020

Old Road temporary closure - 7-11 December 2020


Message received from:

Greg Burford

Gloucestershire County Council

Roadspace Co-ordinator (Tewkesbury District Area)



Please be advised of the following temporary road closure:


Old Road, Maisemore

The road above will be closed (as per red area on attached plan) from 08.00 07/12/2020 to 17.00 11/12/2020.       

This is to allow for installation of a new soil pipe to a private property by Pipeline Logistics.                      

If you require any further information regarding this closure please contact Gloucestershire Highways on 08000 514514.



I then queried the exact location of the works so that people accessing properties would know from which end to get to them - and this was the response:


Please see the plan extract below – exact road closure location is indicated by the red line bisecting the carriageway next to Yewtree Cottage.