Saturday 30 May 2020

Tewkesbury Borough Plan

Notice of Submission of the Tewkesbury Borough Plan to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Notice is hereby given that Tewksbury [sic] Borough Council submitted the Tewkesbury Borough Plan, in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 22(3) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, to the Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on 18 May 2020 for examination.

The Local Plan and all supporting documents submitted can be viewed on the Council’s examination library webpage:

The documents include:
  • Pre-Submission Tewkesbury Borough Plan (Regulation 19)
  • Pre-Submission Tewkesbury Borough Plan (Regulation 19) Policies Map
  • Pre-Submission Regulation 19 & 20 Consultation Statement
  • Pre-Submission Regulation 19 & 20 Responses Database
  • Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment
  • Pre-Submission Tewkesbury Borough Plan – Schedule of Changes Addendum
  • Key evidence and supporting documents

Under the current COVID19 restrictions the Borough Council offices and libraries and advice centres are closed to visitors. The Council are therefore unable to make paper copies of the Tewkesbury Borough Plan available for inspection at deposit locations. Copies will however be made available at these locations upon re-opening. Further information and opening times will be available on the Council’s website ( when available. Additionally, any person wishing to view a paper copy of the submission documents may contact the Council so that we may record your request and arrange to make an appointment to view the documents at the Council’s offices when they have been re-opened.

To register for an appointment please contact us via:
  • Telephone: 01684 272081
  • Email:

The Tewkesbury Borough Plan will now be subject to an independent examination to be conducted by the Planning Inspectorate. This is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to receipt of the appointed Planning Inspector’s Report. Part of this process will involve hearing sessions where attendees will have the opportunity to respond to matters raised by the appointed Planning Inspector. The Inspector will determine whether the submission of further written material to the examination is necessary. Once confirmed, all details relating to the examination process will be advertised, made available on-line and sent to all respondents via an independent Programme Officer.

Those who made representations at the Pre-Submission stage will, if the Inspector deems it appropriate, be offered the opportunity to submit further material or take part in specific Hearing Sessions at his/her request and will be notified regarding the examination process by the Programme Officer.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Gigaclear outage

Please note that some people in the village are still without an operational Gigaclear service after planned maintenance overnight - despite what Gigaclear are saying on their website. Please advise if you're affected. I'm not by the way - seems to be the west end of the village that's affected. 

Status at Gigaclear suggests no problems: 

May 23, 2020 
Planned Emergency Maintenance 

Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed. 
May 23, 06:00 BST 

In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary. 
May 22, 22:01 BST 

Scheduled - Our 3rd Party backhaul supplier will be carrying out essential maintenance on the network in the Maisemore (South West) area. To ensure that this work is completed safely, it is necessary to temporarily disconnect some equipment which will result in a loss of internet service for some customers. Affected customers have been advised by e-mail. Gigaclear apologies for any inconvenience caused. 
May 21, 16:44 BST

Report problems at

Sunday 17 May 2020

RSPCA plea

From RSPCA staff - YOU CANNOT, I repeat YOU CANNOT
get coronavirus (Covid-19) from your pets. 
People are dumping their animals at shelters out of ignorance
and fear - PLEASE PLEASE post this on your page
and get the word out before more animals are abandoned. Please help.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Bulky waste collection service resumes - info from TBC

Tewkesbury Borough Council will start taking bookings for its bulky waste collection service from Monday 11 May.

The announcement comes a week after the garden waste collection service was reinstated. Both services have been affected by staff shortages due to the coronavirus pandemic, but now that staffing levels have become more stable, the two services are back up and running again.

Customers who would like a bulky item collected from their home can call the council from Monday to arrange it.

Customers are asked to only book a collection if the household has been clear of Covid-19 symptoms for at least two weeks – this is to limit any spread of the virus and to safeguard the collection crews’ health and wellbeing. If symptoms in the household appear after booking a collection, customers must call the council to rearrange it for two weeks after the last day of symptoms.

Councillor Jim Mason, lead member for clean and green environment, said: “Thank you to all of our customers for understanding and bearing with us and thanks to Ubico crews who are doing a fantastic job of managing waste and recycling collections under very difficult circumstances.

“After a challenging few weeks, I am pleased that staffing levels are more stable and we are, once again, able to help residents dispose of bulky waste.

To arrange a bulky waste collection, visit for details or call 01684 295010.

VE day commemorated IN the church (porch)

Flowers to commemorate VE day in the church porch (I swapped them over to get a better picture!):

Thursday 7 May 2020

VE day commemorated at the church

The Chamberlaynes (Jeremy and Val) have suitably dressed the entrance to the graveyard for VE day.

Hempsted Recycling Centre reopens on 11 May 2020

Hempsted and Wingmoor Farm Household Recycling Centres reopen on 11th May 2020 for prebooked vehicles only. Pyke Quarry, Oak Quarry and Fosse Cross Household Recycling Centres remain closed until further notice
Visitors to Hempsted and Wingmoor Farm Household Recycling centres are required to prebook their visit in order to gain access to these sites. Social distancing will be required on site, and in order to minimise queues and waiting times the number of booking slots available will be limited.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Virtual Parish Council meeting on 11th May

Maisemore Parish Council will be holding a 'virtual' meeting on Monday 11th May 2020 at 7.30pm via videoconferencing, using Zoom. 

The link for this is:
Meeting ID: 740 9883 8353
Password: 6Lk6gU

The agenda for the meeting is here and the minutes of the previous meeting are here. Agendas and minutes of other meetings can be accessed from the Agendas & Minutes page of this site. Residents are invited to give their views and to question the Parish Council on issues on the Agenda; additionally they can, at the discretion of the Chairman, raise issues for future consideration. There will be a time limited of 10 minutes in total. 

Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting.

(EDIT - updated to include clicky link)

Monday 4 May 2020

Drainage works in Persh Lane this week

We've received notification of some drainage works in Persh Lane this week. This is all the information we have:

GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL    EY102-GH1902000002477             
GLOUCESTER : Private land bottom of Persh Ln, Persh Farm. :
PERSH LANE       Persh Lane Drainage Work  GLOUCESTER             
MINOR GIVE & TAKE   [i.e. traffic control]  
07/05/2020 - 08/05/2020         PROPOSED WORKS

Nigel Sutcliffe - Street Works Compliance Officer - Network & Traffic Management - Shire Hall

Friday 1 May 2020

Garden waste collection service resumes

Tewkesbury Borough Council’s garden waste collection service will resume from Monday 4 May. 

The paid-for service has been suspended since 30 March due to Covid-19, but now that staffing levels have become more stable, garden waste collection is now able to start again. 

Councillor Jim Mason, lead member for clean and green environment, said: “Thank you to all of our customers for understanding and bearing with us. I’m pleased that we are able to get the service back on track and that crews will be out, from Monday, to collect and recycle garden waste. 

 “Ensuring the wellbeing of crews, who are key workers and not immune to this terrible virus, has been - and continues to be - an absolute priority. Ubico is doing a fantastic job of managing waste and recycling collections under very difficult circumstances. 

“Thanks also to our residents who continue to show support to all of our collection crews with a 'thumbs-up' from a distance or with children’s artwork on display. It is wonderful to see and is very much appreciated by the crews.” 

Customers of the Garden Waste Club who have accumulated extra garden waste in the time the service has suspended can put extra garden waste out for collection, provided that it is presented alongside their brown bin in a sturdy bag or container – this is so it can be safely loaded into the vehicle. Crews will be unable to collect loose garden waste. This should be left for the next collection and put it in the brown bin. 

Anyone who is unsure of their bin collection day should check the collection calendar at


Please note that in the past I've used a blue or green bin to supplement the brown bin. I stick a notice on it saying "This is a brown bin" !!!

Next collection in Maisemore is thus Tuesday 12 May 2020