Maisemore Parish Council is advised that 38 people attended the online consultation event for the proposed Solar Farm held on 29 April
2021 and that responses to matters raised will be posted at the promoter's website
shortly, possibly by the time you read this – check out .
The matter was also be discussed at the May Parish Council meeting – the general consensus was that the solar farm was broadly acceptable as a facility and public access to the riverside lands would be a great benefit, but there were concerns about both the use of Persh Lane for construction traffic owing to the disruption which would be caused, and the possible points for public access.
The Parish Council has organised two walking visits for village residents to experience the area, on Tuesday 8 June 2021 at 7pm and Saturday 12 June 2021 at 2pm, starting at Persh Farm farmyard (parking is available) and walking across to the river and up and down returning to Persh Farm.
The Parish Council has also produced a survey for Maisemore residents to ascertain the level of support for public access. The survey is being delivered to all households in The Grapevine and you can also fill it in online - go to Please complete your survey by 20 June 2021.
The results will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting in July 2021.