Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Tailback to Hartpury today

This morning, Tuesday 28th November, traffic was tailing back from the Over roundabout right through Maisemore all the way to Hartpury.  

The works at the Over roundabout are due next year and may make some improvement.  But they will not include traffic lights, as many Maisemore residents have suggested, although the ducting for possible lights in the future will be installed.

Incidents like this, though, strengthen the case for traffic lights on the Over roundabout, possibly just for use at peak times or when traffic is diverted from the M5 along the M50 and down the A417.

There will be some preparatory work at the Over roundabout during the winter months to clear vegetation from the embankment ready for the main works next year.  Cllr Awford has warned residents not to think this is the start of the main works, but clearing trees and bushes must be done before the main bird nesting season.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Great success for Marian's Tea Party

Moira Norwood - Secretary of Maisemore RDA Group - writes:

The tables were laid, sandwiches prepared with crusts removed, the cake table festooned with every variety you could imagine and RDA volunteers with teapots at the ready. The only thing missing were our 85 guests who had bought tickets. 

We didn’t have to wait long as people descended on Maisemore Village Hall. Some didn’t have a ticket.  Could we squeeze them in?  Of course we could, in a true Marian style.

There were plenty of smiles and laughter as we all remembered a very special person who gave so much of herself to whatever she was involved in.

Thank you to all who bought tea tickets, raffle tickets, gave donations, it raised just short of £1,500. The money is being donated to Cancer Research UK whose vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

More time to comment on 60-house planning application

The Parish Council has had confirmation from Tewkesbury Borough Council that the close of consultation date on the 60-house planning application that is specified on the site notices is 19th December.

TBC says, "Comments submitted after this date would still be given full consideration and therefore, local residents are able to submit representations after the 19th, should they wish."

"Given that this is a major application and has a 13 week rather than 8 week determination date, this provides some flexibility for receipt of comments."

Details of the application can be found on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website here. You can also submit your comments using the TBC website.  In planning applications, all comments and representations are in the public domain, so the comments you make will appear on the TBC site. 

When making comments by letter or email to TBC, please ensure you include the planning application reference, which is 17/00514/OUT.

Monday, 13 November 2017

New Councillor co-opted

Peter Wegmann, who has lived in Maisemore for many years, was co-opted on to the Parish Council at the meeting on 6th November.

Peter is a most welcome addition to the Council and his co-option brings the number of councillors up to the full complement of five.  This will make it much easier to avoid situations like the one which caused the cancellation of the Council's September meeting.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Special meeting to discuss new planning application

An outline planning application has been submitted to Tewkesbury Borough Council for 60 new houses on the northern entrance to the village  - adjoining the Bell House Farm application and using the same entrance on to the A417.  Details of the application are on the Tewkesbury Borough Council website and can be found here.  Individual representations from residents supporting or objecting to the application need to be submitted to TBC by Monday 27th November to be sure of them being taken into account.

This is a significant application and the Parish Council is holding a special meeting to consider it on Wednesday 13th December at 7.30pm in Maisemore Village Hall.  The Parish Council will make its representations after this meeting, and Tewkesbury Borough Council has agreed to accept them then.

The special meeting will have just two parts. The first part will be a public participation section when residents can put forward any reasons why they support or object to the proposal. 

The second part, in which the public may not participate, will be a discussion by Councillors to agree the points to be included in the Parish Council's representation.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Maisemore Christmas Get Together

This event is inspired by the 'Great Get Together', when over 9 million people around the UK got together to remember murdered MP Jo Cox and recognise her conviction that we have “more in common”.

It's an opportunity to get together, chat about the things you do in and around Maisemore and share a mince pie - or two!

If you leave having found a new interest, a new friend or just feeling that Maisemore is more of a community than you thought before, then that's great.

There are no tickets and there's no price tag.  If you feel you want to make a small donation towards the costs, that would be welcome, of course.

The really important thing is just to come along and enjoy being part of Maisemore - it wouldn't be the same without you.

Remembrance Sunday service

Anyone wishing to attend the Service of Remembrance Day this Sunday at St Giles Church should gather at the war memorial for 10.45am.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Parish Council signs up for RHS scheme

Maisemore Parish Council agreed last Monday night to register for the Royal Horticultural Society's "Its Your Neighbourhood" scheme.  

RHS photo
This is a non-competitive grassroots community gardening campaign helping people to make lasting improvements to their local environment. There's an introduction here and the scheme has its own 'information hub' here.

It is hoped that enough volunteers will come forward to establish wildflower and pollinator planting on the approaches to the village and the Council will also welcome any suggestions of areas within the village - however large or small - where planting would improve the local amenity and environment.  If you can help in any way,please email bloom@maisemore-pc.og.uk.

Although there is no clear evidence yet, there is a view that planting could help influence drivers to slow down through our village.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Could Maisemore be 'Blooming good'

Prompted by the outstanding success of a village in Lancashire in becoming 'Champion of Champions' in the Britain in Bloom competition, Maisemore Parish Council will be considering a proposal to take part either in Britain in Bloom or the non-competitive RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood" scheme.

Parish Councillors and volunteers celebrate
Elswick's success in becoming Champion
of Champions in the 2017 Britain in Bloom
competition with apples from their community orchard.
Royal Horticultural Society photo.
Elswick, in The Fylde, has been participating in Britain in Bloom for a number of years and the original entry was triggered by a wish to clean up the village, reduce litter and improve community involvement.  These are aims shared by Maisemore Parish Council.

“It’s clear that for the people of Elswick, Britain in Bloom is not only a competition but a way of life," said Roger Burnett, chair of the RHS Britain in Bloom judges. "The group's entry was fantastic, very well thought through and of the highest standard. To be awarded Champion of Champions is a tremendous achievement. Elswick in Bloom's many volunteers should be applauded for how they’ve turned the village round into somewhere that is clean, green, beautiful and a source of pride for the whole community.”

If you think that Maisemore could - and should - participate in one of these schemes, please do let us know - email bloom@maisemore-pc.org.uk  - especially if you are prepared to help make it happen or can suggest an area in the village that might benefit, however large or small. 

Here are some links to set you thinking:

RHS Britain in Bloom winners 2017 featuring Elswick 

Elswick in Bloom history from their Parish Council website 

The RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood" scheme 

Parish defibrillator proposal is up for discussion

The defibrillator mounted
on Hartpury Village Hall
The proposal to buy a defibrillator for the the parish is up for discussion at next Monday's Parish Council meeting.

Funds have been raised to buy one, and it is hoped that these can be donated to the Parish Council so that it can make the purchase.  Parish Council's are exempt from VAT, which means that no part of the funds raised will go into general taxation.

The idea is that the most accessible place for the defibrillator would be the Village Hall so, if the purchase is agreed by the Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee will be asked if they are willing to have it on the Hall and can find a suitable position for it.

Agenda for Parish Council meeting on Monday 6th November

The agenda for the meeting of Maisemore Parish Council to be held in the committee room of Maiseore Village Hall on Monday 6th November at 7.30pm is now available here.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and there is a period allocated in the agenda for public participation.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Don't be taken in by this scam!

We have received a warning from the area Neighbourhood Watch officer about 'scam' calls being received in the area.  The scammers claim to be from HMRC and that arrest warrants have been sent out for tax fraud offences.

The calls are coming from 020 numbers.  Please don't be taken in by one of these and certainly don't give any personal details to the scammers.