Jeremy Chamberlayne writes:
Today, I have removed two dog poo deposits and one, plastic bagged at the Steadings. We welcome residents walking through the business park, but not their dog faeces, which we have to remove. My wife has picked up two bagged deposits today from the lakeside path.
This really is a plague for us. On field edge paths, it is much better to throw it under a hedge or into long grass, where it quickly degrades, rather than leave it in bags, which are long term litter.
It is an offence to leave dog poo and owners are required to clear up after their dogs. If it's bagged, it should be taken home and put in the green bin for collection with other non-recyclable rubbish.
There is a fixed penalty of at least £50 for dog fouling - which includes leaving bags of faeces. If you refuse to pay the fine, you can be taken to court and fined up to £1,000.