Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Money and internet course available

Nick Morrall, Learning Co-ordinator for Adult Education at Gloucestershire County Council writes:

Following discussions with DWP, Job Centres and Libraries, there is increasing interest from residents throughout the County to learn more about money management courses and internet safety.

One of our methods of delivering courses is using the Learn My Way platform, which has a wealth of information and the following courses are becoming increasingly popular;

·         Make money Work

·         Keeping your personal information secure online

·         Online and mobile banking

If you know anyone in your Communities that could benefit from completing the course, whether yourself, family or contacts at partner organisations, please pass on this information and follow the link below. The courses only take about 30 minutes, but provide a wealth of valuable information;

  1. Click on https://www.learnmyway.com
  2. Click on Register in the top left of the screen
  3. Complete the sections and OUR CENTRE NUMBER 8000052, your name, email address and then choose a password. 
  4. Click on Subjects and choose one of the following modules to complete;

·         Make money Work

·         Keeping your personal information secure online

·         Online and mobile banking

Should you have any questions or want further information please let me know, but I am sure you will agree there are many learners that we speak to daily that may benefit from money management and internet safety courses.

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