Friday, 25 December 2020

A417 flooded at approach to Over


Reports are coming in that the A417 has flooded at Maisemore.

Usual place by the depth markers

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Email alerts

Some email alerts failed to be sent out.  It appears that a setting on the main component of the website got corrupted again.

I have put this right, but can't guarantee it won't happen again.

If you get a message asking you to subscribe to email alerts or comment notifications, please ignore it.  Unfortunately I can't stop these emails going out as they work the same way as the email alerts themselves.

I have suggested to the Parish Council that they consider an alternative website hosting provider which has built in email alerts.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Apologies for the break in service recently

Something went wrong with the issuing of emails to subscribers recently but, thanks to Andrew Cooley, that now appears to be fixed. Here are links to the posts you may have missed:

A summary of the appeal decision for the self-build and affordable housing development off Church Road.

BREAKING NEWS - The Appeal has been dismissed

GCC - Ash Dieback Project

Old Road temporary closure - 7-11 December 2020 - a reminder

Draft minutes of November Parish Council meeting

Gigaclear Black Friday deal

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Email alerts

The email alerts system now appears to be functioning properly.  You may, however, receive an email asking you to subscribe.  You do not need to take any action on this, as it is an automatically generated email resulting from the re-connection of the subscribers group to the website.  Unfortunately, there was no practical way to avoid that.

Test of email alerts

Recent posts do not seem to have triggered email alerts.  This post is just to check that these alerts are now being generated. 

In case you have missed recent posts, plase check the Maisemore PC website.

Friday, 11 December 2020

December OUR NEWS - The national Neighbourhood Watch newsletter


December OUR NEWS
The national Neighbourhood Watch newsletter

Read our newsletter at

As we approach the end of what has been a hugely challenging year with the prospect of restricted Christmas and New Year celebrations, we would like to deeply thank all our supporters and volunteers. The work you and so many others have done has been immensely beneficial to thousands of people and will continue to be of huge value into next year.

With nearly half (44%) of our new members surveyed since March wanting to actively help make their community a better place to live we couldn’t be more delighted this month to announce the winners of the Co-op and Neighbourhood Watch Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 and Young Neighbour of the Year Award 2020. The winners went above and beyond to support others in their community.

In our winner’s words:   

    “I really believe that being a good neighbour is about looking out for each other, and I hope I’ve encouraged people to actively get out and support their community – even virtually”

We have so much to shout about this month from an inspiring listening to communities blog, to our successful bid to the National Lottery Community Covid-19 Fund, and much more. Read our newsletter at to discover more.

Your sincerely,


Tuesday, 8 December 2020

A summary of the appeal decision for the self-build and affordable housing development off Church Road.


This summary is for: 


20/00015/DECISI | Outline application for up to 25 dwellings (consisting of 15 self-build and 10 discounted market houses) together with access and associated works such as footpath links to village hall and play area (all matters reserved). | Part Parcel 3538 Church Road Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire

... relating to:

18/01202/OUT | Outline application for up to 25 dwellings (consisting of 15 self-build and 10 discounted market houses) together with access and associated works such as footpath links to village hall and play area (all matters reserved). | Part Parcel 3538 Church Road Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire

... which was originally refused permission by Tewkesbury BC.

Following the virtual appeal hearing on 10 November 2020, the Planning Inspectorate's decision has been released today. The appeal was dismissed.

The development was considered unacceptable on several main issues - to quote:

"The main issues in this appeal are:
• Whether the appeal site offers a suitable location for the proposed development having regard to the policies of the development plan;
• the effect of the proposal on the landscape character and appearance of the area; and,
• the effect on the significance or special interest of relevant Grade II* listed buildings."

On the first point the inspector noted:

"There is no defined settlement boundary for Maisemore, the existing built-up area of which is most readily defined by the regular concentration of development that either fronts the principal linear route through the village, or the lanes and cul-de-sacs off it."

It was a surprise to hear that the Village Boundary doesn't presently exist since the forthcoming TBC Local Plan hasn't yet been adopted and it seems the previous document has expired taking the boundary along with it!

Nevertheless she continued:

" ... although the appeal site is close to Maisemore’s settlement edge, it lies beyond the built-up area of the village. ... In light of the above, the proposal would not be within the Service Village of Maisemore for the purposes of SP2. The appeal site is not within the village and so would not be infilling within Maisemore, nor would it satisfy any of the criteria JCS Policy SD10 that would otherwise allow dwellings on sites that have not been allocated for development. Rather, the appeal site is situated in the open countryside. The appeal scheme has not been predicated on satisfying any other exceptions"

On the second point the inspector considered the landscape along both sides of the stream and stated:

"Therefore, notwithstanding the relative proximity of land and buildings that are part of Maisemore’s settlement edge, the appeal site assimilates with the character and appearance of the countryside. Furthermore, forming part of a substantial physical and visual break that separates the core of the village from an enclave of historic development at the top of Church Road, the appeal site contributes to a sense of openness and rural isolation that is of value to this grouping of heritage assets, the setting of the village and the LPZ."

On the third point the inspector noted:

"The Church of St Giles and Maisemore Court are both Grade II* listed buildings in recognition of their special architectural or historic interest. In accordance with section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990 (the Act), I have paid special regard to the desirability of preserving these listed buildings, their settings, or any features of special architectural or historic interest they may possess."

... and continued after analysis:

"...the proposal would give rise to a suburban form of development on the appeal site and an associated encroachment of built form within the rural setting of the Grade II* listed Church and Maisemore Court. The permanent change within the setting of the listed buildings would irreversibly dilute the sense of rural isolation that underpins the significance and special interest of both. It follows that the proposed development would fail to preserve the setting of the listed buildings, causing harm to their significance and special interest."

It was acknowledged that there were some public benefits to the scheme and that the appellant had gone some way to mitigating problems, but these were not sufficient to override the main three issues outlined above.

Her concluding statement was:

"The proposed development would cause serious harm to the landscape character and appearance of the area, would fail to preserve the setting of listed buildings causing harm to their significance, and would not be in a suitable location in respect of development plan policies. ... Although I note there is some local support for the proposal and the appellant’s long-standing connection to Maisemore, I do not find there to be other material considerations to justify making a decision other than in accordance with the development plan read as a whole."

The full document should appear soon at TBC's Planning website under the 18/01202/OUT entry. However if you wish to have a copy of the document sooner, please download it from - note this link will expire in 6 days.

BREAKING NEWS - The Appeal has been dismissed

I've just received notification that the Planning Inspectorate has DISMISSED the appeal by Chamberlayne Estates for self-build and affordable housing by the village hall. More detail presently - it's an extensive report...