Thursday, 29 April 2021

Maisemore Solar Consultation - Thursday 29 April 2021 - registration link


Some of you intending to go to the online consultation event this evening for may not have received the registration link from the organisers - here it is:

Sunday, 25 April 2021

MPC May meeting - Wednesday 5 May 2021 - please note change of date!


The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 5 May 2021 – please note the change of date to that previously advised. This meeting has been brought forward from the originally scheduled date the following week owing to the government’s refusal to legislate to allow parish councils to hold Zoom meetings beyond 7 May 2021.

Hence you are invited to a Zoom meeting on 5 May 2021 at 07:30pm -  please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting dates for your 2021 diary are as follows – all “second Mondays”:

12 July, 13 September, 8 November. These will be held at Maisemore Village Hall following the expected removal of lockdown restrictions.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Maisemore Solar Farm - Community Consultation

Those who attended the Annual Maisemore Parish Meeting on 12 April 2021 were granted an audience with the promoters of the new Maisemore Solar Farm, and following their presentation there was a lively debate as to the pros and cons.


Their website is now live - - where you can read up about the proposals and respond to the consultation - please also let the Parish Council know your thoughts.


From the website:

Renewable Connections is investigating the potential for a 40MW solar energy farm in Maisemore, Gloucestershire. Once operational, the project would supply enough power for 11,000 homes, and make a valuable contribution towards tackling the climate emergency in Gloucestershire.

As we prepare an application to submit to Tewkesbury Borough Council, Renewable Connections is undertaking consultation to inform local communities of our proposed plans and invite any feedback. We will also be hosting virtual community information events to present our proposals and answer any questions given the COVID-19 pandemic.

We welcome any feedback you wish to provide so please do get in touch.


A leaflet is also being distributed in the post, or you can download it from 


There is an online consultation event to be held by the promoters on 29 April 2021 at 7pm. Please register your interest via the promoter's website form.

The matter will also be discussed at the May Parish Council meeting - please check your emails as to when this will take place since we are investigating alternatives to the 10 May 2021 date presently published following the government's withdrawal of the ability to use Zoom for meetings beyond 7 May 2021.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

MAISEMORE APM - Monday 12 April 2021 on ZOOM - reminder and update


STOP PRESS - there will be a presentation from Ed Perrin who will speak on behalf of Renewable Connections re the Solar Farm proposal for Maisemore



The Annual Parish Meeting will take place via Zoom on 12 April 2021 at 7.30pm – all are welcome to attend this meeting where the Council invites a number of local organisations to speak about their activities held over the last year, and those activities planned for the year ahead.

This is an opportunity for everyone to have a say.

We hope that you will attend.


You must register in advance for this meeting:

Should you wish to simply type it in, I’ve converted the URL to this for ease of entering -

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Any questions? Please contact the clerk Leo Williams - 07896 901800 -


Monday, 5 April 2021


The Annual Parish Meeting will take place via Zoom on 12 April 2021 at 7.30pm – all are welcome to attend this meeting where the Council invites a number of local organisations to speak about their activities held over the last year, and those activities planned for the year ahead.

This is an opportunity for everyone to have a say.

We hope that you will attend.


You must register in advance for this meeting:

Should you wish to simply type it in, I’ve converted the URL to this for ease of entering -

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Any questions? Please contact the clerk Leo Williams - 07896 901800 -



Thursday, 1 April 2021

The new building going up at Overton - details:

The Parish Council has had several approaches regarding the new large building being erected at the ever growing Complete Utilities transport and maintenance depot at Overton Farm.

This would appear to be the building given permission in 2019 following submission of this application:

18/00766/FUL | Change of use to utilities depot, including ancillary recycling operations, retention of existing office/storage buildings as built, erection of new maintenance building, landscaping and drainage (part retrospective) | Overton Farm Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire GL2 8HR


It's the yellow building on this site plan:

... and looks like this on plan and in elevation - it's approx 42m long x 16.5m wide x 8.5m high :

The walls are green coated metal sheeting and the roof is grey coated metal sheeting.

Inexplicably the Parish Council as then constituted submitted a SUPPORT comment for this combined application:

Perhaps they didn't realise this building was included?