Thursday, 1 April 2021

The new building going up at Overton - details:

The Parish Council has had several approaches regarding the new large building being erected at the ever growing Complete Utilities transport and maintenance depot at Overton Farm.

This would appear to be the building given permission in 2019 following submission of this application:

18/00766/FUL | Change of use to utilities depot, including ancillary recycling operations, retention of existing office/storage buildings as built, erection of new maintenance building, landscaping and drainage (part retrospective) | Overton Farm Maisemore Gloucester Gloucestershire GL2 8HR


It's the yellow building on this site plan:

... and looks like this on plan and in elevation - it's approx 42m long x 16.5m wide x 8.5m high :

The walls are green coated metal sheeting and the roof is grey coated metal sheeting.

Inexplicably the Parish Council as then constituted submitted a SUPPORT comment for this combined application:

Perhaps they didn't realise this building was included?

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