Thursday, 10 March 2022

19/00676/OUT | Outline application for the erection of up to 33 residential units (50% affordable provision) with associated infrastructure and landscaping (all matters reserved for future consideration). | Part Parcel 9851 Maisemore Gloucester Glouces...


This application is going to Planning Committee next Tuesday - 15 March 2022 - with an officer recommendation for APPROVAL

Apart from Maisemore Parish Council's extensive list of objections, only six residents submitted objections and one person supported the application.

None of the other statutory consultees objected - as usual Severn Trent is ignoring the problems we have with surcharging of the combined drainage system in Maisemore. 

If permitted and built, this will mean the main settlement of Maisemore will have increased in size by 49% since 2011, yet we have no increase in facilities apart from a lot of money being directed - without consulting the village - at Maisemore Village Hall. Apart from that and the advent of Gigaclear, there appears to be no demonstrable improvement in any of the "Services" which combine to make Maisemore a "Service Village" and thus suitable for development.

In fact with The Rising Sun having closed, the church's future looking dubious and Maisemore Village Hall's future looking rocky (following resignation of half the committee running it), there is now significant cause for concern.

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